Sunday 8 September 2013

Irish Times Property Section appears to have gone on a post summer holiday diet

The Thursday edition of the Irish Times was delivered as normal last Thursday (5th September 13) and the top right hand banner says "Residential property: 18 pages" 

So I went to the second section and in the 16 page "Business + Technology" pages 7 to 10 has the property feature. I have noticed this year that quite often there are only two or three pages of property in their "International edition".

It is common knowledge that after your summer holiday when you have probably been eating and drinking too much that the ads appear for loosing weight, but why does the Irish Times cut out so many pages now. Some Thursdays it is waiver thin and whereas the TV and radio guide page used to be there it is very rarely there any more.

In England we pay £1.25 for the International edition and in mainland Europe (if you can get it), it will cost €3.75.

If estate agents are advertising and want buyers from overseas, they won't attract them if the property section remains slim. I remember when the international edition had a proper property section like in the domestic edition and also had colour in the photos. Those days are long gone.

What will they cut next?  If anyone knows why one edition comes with 4 pages of property and another with 18 please reply to this blog.     

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